Leaders Lead Project

Learning to Lead. Leading to Win.
Developing leadership knowledge and leader skills for Sports, Business, and Common Life.

Leaders Lead Mastery Group
Twice monthly, virtual meetings with liked-minded people to discuss and learn how to be the best leader that you can be.
$20 per Month per Member

Titles Do Not Make Leaders...but Learning How to Lead Does
How many times does an athlete get named as captain of their team or a staff member is inserted into management, and they have no idea what it really means to lead? Or, coaches, although considered stretegic experts and team managers of their sport, assume the role without any real leadership training or professional development as a leader? Or, you start a business and assume a role of responsibilty with no true leader preparation or experience? It happens commonly. And, you wonder why there is drama within the team or workplace, program culture is weak, or you just can't seem to generate the best experience for your program, business, organization, or family?
This comprehensive course introduces proven leadership principles and practical leader skills especially within the perspectives for sports and athletics, business, personal life and to make the most of your specific leadership experience.
It was designed by Bill Edson, an active and successful athletics coach, executive, and military leader of more than 3 decades, who has utilized his life experiences, leadership training from the US Army, and advanced academic knowledge on the subject of leading to address the critical elements of being a successful leader that will undoubtedly impact those around you to develop a meaningful team and a winning culture.

Leaders Lead Progam Content
What is Leadership
Leading is Serving
Making Chicken Salad…Creating your team and Engaging your followers
MODULE 1 – THE SECRET TO PEAK PERFORMANCE – Transaction vs. Transformation
Genuine Human Connection – The foundation of Effective Communication
Why “the Why” - Power of Purpose
Goals – The road map for success
Keep Moving Forward – Movement Is Action
EQ = Emotional Intelligence
Never Give Up – Being Resiliant
Leading is NOT “Microwave Science”
Success is not the Final Destination
Remember “You” in the Process
What’s Next - Leading takes a Community​

The Course is interactive and can be delivered:
- Onsite as a Workshop
- Live 4-part Virtual Forum

Bill's Book:
They Call Me 'Coach E' - Leading to Achieve the Unachievable
Are you ready to Achieve the Unachievable?
In his first book, written during the isolation of the pandemic, leadership specialist Bill Edson shares his proven philosophies and best practices that have shaped teams and changed lives from his perspective as a passionate athletics (Cross Country and Track & Field) coach for nearly three decades.
It is an easy-read, written in a relatable voice of real conversation and enjoyable personal life stories. Bill guides you through topics that include Coaching is Leading, Seeing the Invisible, The Power of Connection, Warrior Mentality, Culture, Peak Performance, Hope is Not a Strategy, and many more pearls of experience and wisdom.
This book will definitively provide you encouragement and an extra advantage that you are seeking as an effective leader.
"Coach E", as called by his athletes, has a strong history of positive transformational change with all the teams and organizations he has led.
The philosophies and principles that he has used to reach high levels of both team and individual productivity in athletics are universal to leadership within the realm of many arenas such as corporate and small business, military & public service, healthcare management, non-profits, educational institutions and schools, municipal departments, churches, and more.

Let's Connect...
It all starts with our story.

My name is Bill Edson. Throughout my personal journey I have become a prolific, proven, and resilient leader in my own right. It has been a process of accepting challenges, overcoming personal hardships, and recognizing opportunities. I have evolved a unique ability to create sytemic improvements by making genuine human connections that bridge trust-gaps and influence others to reach goals and discover success wherever I went and whatever I did. This is the essence of Leadership and this is what I want to share with you.
I once had a junior leader say to me, "Everything you touch seems to turn to gold. You should share your secret with others, it would make a big difference". There was some truth to this, in fact. For over 30 years, I have exhibited the ability to transform ineptitude and dysfunction into high-stakes aptitude. I have been able to make bad teams good, and good teams great. It has happened consistently as an executive, athletics coach, and military leader. So what's the 'magic' secret? It was the willingness to learn, understand, and apply effective Leadership principles and Leader skills...even when I first thought I knew it already.
Following retirement from my military career (the most profound era in my life), I was stricken with a passion to continue my sense of service by facilitating a purpose bigger than myself. I wanted to make a difference by sharing the positive impacts of effective leadership. First, I went back to school to gain the knowledge and expertise by attaining two academic degrees, a BA in Professional Studies concentrating in Human Behavior and Leadership, and a Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership. I then began to pursue my vision of making the world a better place by applying what I had experienced and learned by teaching leadership principles and leader skills across many disciplines and venues (especially while coaching intescholastic and intercollegiate sports).
Along the way, I have established myself as a very successful coach, an inspiring speaker and storyteller, and I even wrote an Amazon-awarded book during the Covid pandemic. All fun stuff that expanded my platform and kept me leading going forward.
Now, I am taking my passion for leadeship, sports, and coaching to a new level by offering this program to you and help build leaders specifically within the realm of atheltics and your team. Throuhgout my many years of coaching, I have observed that athletics are a microcosm of life itself. As an athlete or coach, you have the opportunity to make a difference for yourself, your teammates, and cummulatively, our world going forward.
I will tell you, that this process is indeed not 'magic'. It takes effort and commitment to be a leader. So why wait any longer to change your world because true leaders don't assume, leaders don't wait, leaders don't wish, leaders don't hope....Leaders learn...LEADERS LEAD . And, it all starts with YOU.
I look forward to connecting with you...
(For more information, questions about the program, and pricing inquiries also use the contact form below. I am happy to call or setup a virtual video call as well.)

Leaders Lead Program and Leadbettertoday.com is a part of BILL EDSON, LLC, a Veteran-owned private entity.